V/H/S/99 (2022)
Tries to revive the feeling of the first two movies with slight success. The newer found footage productions struggle to retain that vintage video camera look
21 October 2022
As likely the biggest fan of the v/h/s series to leave a review, this movie was better than 94 but not better than the first two and maybe not even viral. Many people talk trash about viral when in actuality it has aged pretty well and it's a nice addition to revisit over time. 94 is too cheap, shlocky and artificially static-y. This film though, the 5th in the series, is a step up(or a step back in a good way if you will) in style and rendition. We get raw feeling segments with interesting stories. Finally, we are back into the world with several characters after 94 and it's so obvious covid safe feel. There are some strong segments here. Actually all of them besides the first one about the band are rather decent.. there is a good amount of blood and gore yet nothing like the first two movies. I wish they'd bring back the original mumblecore team to write and direct the segments in the next entry. With respect, no one else will ever be able give the true fans what they want from this series. Overall. I liked it a lot. I'm a biased fan because this series is the epitome of what I love in a horror film, but on the same token, I'd be the first to say if it wasn't good. It is good though a d I'd say It's a true horror film. A fun midnight horror romp. Best segments are ozzys dungeon and the gawker. The last segment from the winters couple is also pretty good. They are stamping their place in indie horror with this and their previous and recent film, "Deadstream"
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