Pocahontas (I) (1995)
Great film!
16 October 2022
Whatever happened to the "golden ages" of Disney- when everyone seemed devoted and dedicated to what they were putting out there for people to see? Now they only care about making money, thanks to Eisner (who is FORTUNATELY gone).

Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yeah. Back to the movie: *SPOILERS* I think what separates this Disney movie from the rest is that it has more adult elements. For example: Pocahontas and John Smith don't end up together in the end. In basically ever other Disney film I've seen, they all have the "let's live together and have babies and live happily ever after. The End!" sort of movies. Pocahontas has a distinct realness about her that separates her from the rest of Disney's protagonists. For once, Disney depicts an independent woman who knows what she needs and can fend for herself. As for some of the reviewers saying Radcliffe was "weak", I disagree. He truly depicted what most money(and land) hungry conquerors were like: they wanted land to expand their empires, wanted money (gold at the time), and didn't want others to occupy it that weren't like them (both in physical appearance and social class).

I also have to add that the animation and soundtrack are absolutely breathtaking. Whenever I watch this film, I feel like I can connect to the environment, and the songs aren't cheesy at all. I was 4 and a half when Pocahontas came out, and I liked it for different reasons (such as Meeko, Flick, the Barbie dolls, merchandise, etc.) than I do know. As a teen, I see this movie as a true piece of art in cinema that should never be forgotten.
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