Not the proper way to end it
14 October 2022
Trying to keep this spoiler free here as much as possible. I can respect them for trying something different but this is the issue at the same time. If you're making a planned 3 movie series try that different thing during the second movie not the last one. Second this is supposed to be a Halloween movie? Michael Myers is barely in the damn thing and when he is what they did to him like basically destroyed the character from one movie to the next. Like I'm not sure I understand how you take the ended of the last movie and this is your result?? Michael Myers doesn't even Michael Myers until the last 10-15 minutes of the movie and even then it's like ehh I'm finally getting the suspense and horror I was expecting this whole movie but there's the point... where was this the whole movie?? If they would've done this the whole entire movie then there could've been something here but they didn't. It is almost like they realized hey in Halloween kills we made Michael the unstoppable badass he is known to be but we decided to have all the other main characters be so damn stupid and dry. Now the other main characters did way better in this movie and that made it alright but they kinda forgot the part where hey ugh Michael is a main character too I think? Hell as far as I'm concerned you're better off just watching the OG Halloween and Halloween 2018 and stopping after that. Or the OG Halloween and the OG Halloween 2 which another gripe I have about this timeline is they dropped that movie out of this timeline. Such a big mistake because ok I get the sibling thing you wanna X that but the original Halloween 2 is my 3rd favorite behind Halloween 2018. I just feel after they struck gold with Halloween 2018 they just dropped the ball the rest the way.
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