Not what it seems.
10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you are looking for a good faith confirming movie along the lines of the many good Christian movies out there, then I am sorry, but this isn't one of them.

How true this movie is to actual events, I can't say, but I can say this... As the movie progressed, I became increasingly dubious.

While the movie portrays itself as one of Christian faith, the theology in the movie is not. While it doesn't state it anyway (but a bit of follow up research confirms), this is a Mormon movie, with what I can only assume is their theology.

I for one believe in both prayer and divine intervention, but the idea that one's ancestors could intercede and appear as Angels was a real warning sign for me. There are plenty of other teachings in there too which are not aligned with mainstream Christian teaching.

I have no issue about the making of the movie - people should certainly be allowed to share their faith - but the lack of mention that it is based around Latter Day Saint teachings, which the vast majority of Christians would consider to be unbiblical, I think is deceptive. And that alone makes me question much of the rest of the voracity of the movie.

It wasn't a bad movie and was even a bit of a tear jerker. But the lack of openness suggests to me that it wasn't an honest movie.
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