Pink Angels (1971)
No Screenwriter
27 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
'Pink Angels' are a mob of questionable characters who stray too far from San Francisco and venture into LA.

Don't know what the opening scene by the poolside was all about as nobody hardly talked.

Second scene don't make much sense either as no one said anything.

Third scene is the same as the screenwriter failed to show up for this project.

Cut to the credits.

What a start to a movie. No one's explaining anything. The writer's gone AWOL.

It's like a movie designed for mime clowns only.

No one's saying anything!

It's plainly obvious whoever was responsible suffered from a major case of writer's block as all they're doing is playing lame hippy music over the actor's actions to substitute for a lack of creativity.

The head biker even gesticulates with an index finger motion to take out the hitchhiker they just picked up but nobody acts on this command.

The movie's so inept they just filmed some random bystanders, who were gawking at proceedings, and included that in the movie. It's 'Manos: The Hands of Fate' stuff.

They have no lines for the actors to perform so they fall back on a childish food fight scene. This is 7th grader stuff. "Who threw chocolate on me?" Probably Jeffrey Dahmer.

It's like someone's home video all sliced up with these horrible songs thrown in to compensate for the screenwriter's inaction.

Is it a tale of how The Village People were formed and came to be?

Why do I even own this DVD?

There's no plot to report of as they lost me at the start with their silent movie theatrics.

Is it trying to be a comedy?

If anyone took credit as a writer for this movie, they need to stand trial.

There's an unfunny shopping scene that serves no purpose or direction. (I'm actually rewinding this shopping scene to see if what I saw the first time is to be believed.) In this shopping scene they actually conduct a survey, with some random real-life customer, who's asked silly voice-over questions.

A subplot, from an entirely different movie, sees a Dennis Leary lookalike acting maniacal and dressed in military attire. His assistant receptionist, Miss Ellen, looks like she stuck wire in an outlet and got zapped then had her hair vacuumed by a hoover with bonus super glue run through her hair.

There's a scene where they're all making love... with their clothes on!

An opposing motorcycle gang show up, led by Clarence Boddicker, and the Pink Angels give them makeovers which irks them into revenge.

The tortured hair receptionist keeps bobbing up and she has to be hooked up to a sparkplug and drip-fed lacquer to slick back her bangs like that. You could springboard into a pool off her plane wing hair.

This movie escaped from a closet in a mental institution.

The receptionist, with the exploded grenade hair, looks like it's stringed in the fashion of a marionette. It's worse than bed hair!

I don't know in what category you'd file this movie under?

I had to rewind the ending a second time as my eyes seem to be playing tricks on me again. Did that really just happen?

The Pink Angels wind-up on the wrong end of a noose and hang from a great big half dead tree by the neck till they're all dead.

If you have annoying people who come over to your house uninvited, then just pop this movie on and you watch those cowards run from that propellent. I bet orangutans would find this movie funny, I didn't.
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