has your basics and wasnt bad at all .......
20 September 2022
HEY EVERYBODY ITS ME (4) and today we review ..... an american werewolf in the middle ages ....

now ..i know ... i usually knock hard on films .... and i LOVE werewolf films SO if you make one you better do it right or ill knock it 2 times as hard .......

WELL .... this was done pretty dang good i must say ....so sadly this probably wont be a funny review of me making fun of this film .... sorry folks ....

however lets start out with the problems of the film .......... the were wolves were kind of generic , and that was bad AND good because though it wasnt anything new to look at at least it wasnt a terrible new design that someone thought was a good idea at 2 am in a drunken stupor and then SOMEHOW got it approved all the way to the final film look .... and yea we have all seen those kinds of "re designs" of monsters we know and love lol.... BUT these were pleasantly .....average lol.... so not even "BAD" here .... just not some great new thing either ... now they did kind of have a bit of a cheesyness to them though when it was just the still head / no movement of the jaws /face of the costumes etc when they were going about .... BUT i mean ... over all thats not really a big deal even ... the darker shows cover that nicely but the day shots REALLY let you see that .... so they probably would have benefitted here from doing all nighty nights with the werewolves .... but i commend them for being brave and doing day shots with them ....

now the good stuff .... praise to you all for the idea of doing the midevil timeline .... weve all seen cowboys vs werewolves (a few times now , actually usually prettty decent films also) and sure werewolves in space ...lol.... werewolves in london .... in france ... in my underpants ..... but we dont talk about those ..... so the werewolves have been a round sure ... but midevil times ...i think this was my first time seeing that one , maybe there is others tackling this concept so IF SO ill have to check them out and compare to see how this genre of werewolves works out .... BUUT as of right now ... THIS one rules the kingdom ........

its a sold film, sounds great, the foley is good, the lighting good, the acting was actually better than expected .... i DID think the king felt a little flat , but everyone else i really enjoyed ......the FX were good .... story was basic over all but not without merit i mean you cant expect a HUHE crazy story plot and alll sorts of stuff here , its a really straight forward type film and that makes it work .... you know what your getting , a good solid action fantasy / monster horror flick.. and thats cool ... literally all it was missing was a wizard and you would have had a D&D campaign lol...

BUT im glad it DID NOT have a wizard because that would have made it terribly cheesy and not work ...as it stands its a solid film ...

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