Batman: The Joker's Hard Times (1967)
Season 2, Episode 38
18 September 2022
Way campy episode finds The Joker (Cesar Romero at his insane best) cackling all the way to the bank, stealing the marble Gotham City statue of justice?

There's also a neat twist when the Joker uses Venus (Terry Moore) as a shield to escape the Dynamic Duo.

Although, she does have a thing for Batman...

Venus jumps ship, turns on her ex boss and teams with Batman and Robin --but not for long. The Joker plans to get even, and with the most BIZARRO trap ---leading the Dynamic Duo to a pond where they and Venus face a man-eating clam! A three course dinner? Must See TV, reminiscent of 50s sci fi films, like ATTACK OF THE CRAB MONSTERS. You have to admit, the killer clam (which swallows Robin?) is a work of art. Super writing from Stephen Kandell, long time writer for cop shows.

By the way, is that the Golden Gate Bridge? --in the background --while Batman and Robin are driving? Sure looks like it.

This was Terry Moore's second appearance (in a three episode special) who at the time was married to billionaire recluse Howard Hughes. Directed by veteran Oscar Rudolph, who over his long career headed 500 tv shows,

Howard Wendell, popular in tv westerns, plays millionaire Basil Bowman and Charles Fredericks (who passed suddenly a few years later) plays Leo Crustash. Fredericks appeared in many Warner Brothers/ABC tv shows in the 50s.

SEASON 2 EPISODE 38 remastered color dvd box set. ABC/1967.
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