Review of Steel

The Twilight Zone: Steel (1963)
Season 5, Episode 2
Mr. Steel! First name: Man Of. But not quite so anymore, I'm afraid...
17 September 2022
The basic premise behind this TZ-episode is quite brilliant, or at least I thought so. In the sooner-than-you-think future, boxing as a physical sport is forbidden by law, and the human fighters had to be replaced by battling mechanical androids. The whole surrounding circus (boxing promotors, illegal gambling, tournaments in sleazy underground clubs, etc.) remained in place, though. The idea, based on a short story by the almighty genius Richard Matheson, is really fascinating and comes quite close to the concept of "Westworld", which is one of the coolest Sci-Fi stories ever. It's also a quite atypical entry for "The Twilight Zone", because - unless I'm mistaken - Rod Serling's series doesn't usually deal with borderline-dystopian subjects (except if the stories take place in a very distant future and are really exaggerated, which "Steel is not).

Matheson's story also got turned into a long-feature film in 2011, named "Real Steel", but I haven't seen that one.

Even though many reviewers apparently tend to disagree, I thought the episode is fantastic overall and captivating from start to finish. Not just the rudimentary idea is great, but also the unfolding of how ex-boxer Steel Kelly (the awesome Lee Marvin) struggles with his hopelessly outdated B2-model Battling Maxo, and how he painfully must accept that even a former heavyweight champion cannot beat technology. The episode is a bit too talkative, perhaps, but Lee Marvin is phenomenal to behold. The android fighters, including Steel's own transformation) form a creepy and unsettling sight; perfectly fit for a nightmarish vision of the near future.
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