Bee and PuppyCat (2013–2018)
Seriously, don't waste your time.
10 September 2022
I'm going to keep this review simple because, honestly, there isn't much to this show to discuss. After binge watching through a season an accurate description of Bee & Puppycat would be comparing it to a fever-dream slurry of Adventure Time mixed with Steven Universe with 50% less charm and 80% less plot. Then strip away the audio and have it ad-libbed by thirteen year-olds with the voice over talent of a first time Snapchatter.

The premise and first episode are misleading. We thought it was going to be centered around Bee's misadventures as she tries to perform a different job each episode: kind of like Working Girl meets Rick and Morty. Instead, the bulk of each episode teeters on painfully slow and underdeveloped awkward scenarios that feature vocal pauses that appear to be the voice actors trying to think of a line to say.

While Bee does indeed perform a different job each episode, it's usually at the end of the episodes and is only a small part.

The audience in our home is: 55M, 45F, 20F, and 9F. Only The 20F seemed to enjoy it somewhat and stuck with every episode. Mom, 45F, quit after 1.5 episodes, dad, 55M half heartedly watched most episodes because he was in the same room gaming and didn't care for it, and the 9f fell asleep early on it after four episodes (take note, parents of restless children! ).

Considering how Netflix has been giving the axe to some really good shows recently (to the dismay of many of their subscribers, it's included) it's baffling how they decided on a show like this. One would expect to see Bee & Puppycat on Toonami, Crunchyroll, or even Adult Swim. I can only think this move was done sort of way to try to appease all those people that Netflix alienated by having Dave Chapelle. I suppose it appeals to those with easy access to another person's ADHD medication. That's the only way I can understand any adult giving this a rating about l above 4/10.
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