Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
How to kill a cultural phenomenon...
5 September 2022
Greed. There you go! I could end it right here.

It's pretty much common knowledge that the creators of the show were offered a deal with Disney to make Star Wars content.

Yet when they decided to prematurely rush the end of the show, in order to pursue their changing career goals, they never even considered handing the reigns to someone motivated and talented, to allow the story beats their necessary breathing room. We're talking at least 3 seasons.

No way! They had to be the ones to close the book and take all the credit.

After the dust settled, and people picked themselves up from the trauma of witnessing the utter annihilation of their beloved characters identities and arcs, they cried out in unison to have these blasphemers vanquished.

Which resulted in them becoming known as the murderers of what could have been one of the greatest and most impactful shows of all time.

Unfortunately, because of the show's structure, the damage is beyond repair. Most of the characters lead nowhere. Most of the story leads nowhere. Most of the setups shrivel and die before your very eyes.

Because of their actions motivated by greed, there is barely a reason to watch Game of Thrones in its entirety. Not unless you don't mind watching a parody of the show you just viewed for tens of hours to close out the experience.

There are some episodes that work great in isolation. There are some great scenes and some great spectacle. Maybe if you prepare yourself for immense disappointment it might be digestible.

The only satisfaction, for me at least, is knowing that the creators lost their Star Wars deal and became branded as greedy hacks who thrived on some truly talented people's hard work and still managed to fu** it all up.
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