Review of Nope

Nope (2022)
What's with all the bad reviews?
30 August 2022
Is everyone so eager to say "nope" to Nope that they ignore the entire subtext of the film?

I understand that especially horror fans like to turn their brain off when watching their favorite gore-fest schlock. But to the more, I dunno, not brain-dead viewer this film has so much to offer.

It's a Jordan Peele horror film, what did you expect? Seriously? WTF did you expect? I expected a subversion of the old tropey alien, UFO horror genre, and I got exactly that and more.

This horror-comedy is a disturbing slow-burn with tons of meaning behind it's presentation and writing, all the while respecting the intelligence of it's audience. In vain sometimes, but admirable none the less.

The best horror films make you think about real horror. Things that actually happen. Less horrifying, more disturbing. They stick with you because of what they're saying. Not necessarily because of what they're showing, but often because of what they're not showing.

Unfortunately most horror fans have been conditioned to expect jump-scares, T&A, gore and completely on the nose BS. They are not there to think at all, they are there to watch people they don't like cry for mercy and die in horror.

This is certainly a movie that separates the horror fans from the horror connoisseurs.
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