Lesser know teen film follows similar formula of past greats
27 August 2022
In comparison to other teen films, the general plot is very similar and we have seen it before. Foreign Exchange does follow the basic "American Pie" and "Superbad" formula and although it isn't on their level, this film isn't completely terrible. It is predictable but we don't watch these films for predictability.

The characters aren't bad. The lead (Ryan Pinkston- also starred in Extreme Movie, also released in 2008) is a solid actor who plays a likeable character. The other two best friends of Jay and Shantz show character development towards the end. The last friend Hashbrown (smart stoner- obvious given his nickname) was severely underused. It seemed as if he was going to have more of a central role when the film started but he was just used not too frequently with the same ongoing jokes. The lead female of Robyn (resembled somewhat Olivia Thirlby) was likeable yet naive, however everything of course worked out in the end for the lead protagonist (as expected).

The French foreign exchange student was also somewhat underused. Initially thought there was going to be a slight twist in the end revealing that he wasn't actually French and that he was conning everyone. Although he did get exposed for sabotaging Dave (his motive and actions were predictable from the start) but given his terrible French accent, one assumed his character wasn't actually French and there would be some "twist". But nothing of that sort.

Curtis Armstrong also has a bit role playing the father of the lead giving him weird advice. His metaphor was one of the highlights the first time it was said.

Now this film's comedy really isn't clever and the jokes aren't special or funny. It does copy Superbad in its comedy tone with the "sensitive yet raunchy-esque" type. It has that feel where it starts off as a raunchy type comedy than develops slowly to a softer drama with a soft touch.

The film is lower budget but it's not the type that is unwatchable. As in, the main characters are actual actors who have done previous work. As well as veteran television/Hollywood supporting actors (Curtis Armstrong, Jennifer Coolidge). The acting is definitely passable for this type of film. And the camera work looks quality. This film isn't anything special and wasn't made to win awards. It's a decent time waster type.
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