Hellarious (2019)
Absurd, incredibly hokie, atrocious, abhorrent...and I LOVED every minute of it! Well, at least 20-30 minutes anyway.
14 August 2022
Absolutely 100% pure cheese...which I enjoyed. The film is divided into chapters, ranging in length from barely 5 minutes to approx 20 minutes. In recent years I've developed a liking for shorts especially when in the hands of competent and creative writers and directors. In this case, I'm not sure that either the writers or the directors are competent, but it's over-the-top in all aspects, specifically (and intentionally) the acting, which worked. If you're looking for true horror shorts, this is NOT for you, as with the exception of lots of blood and a bit of gore, there is nothing remotely horrific about it. In all honesty, I was hoping for more legit horror, but since I enjoy (some) spoof horror, it was still worth the watch.

The first chapter was definitely the most solid of the first half of the shorts, loaded with clichés, and just the right amount cheese.

At the end of the day, potential viewers must absolutely not take this collection of odd & disjointed shorts seriously...like, AT ALL. Not even a little bit. I usually check out reviews prior to watching flicks, and it's obvious that a couple of reviewers just missed the mark on what the collection was supposed to be, obviously taking the whole thing way more seriously than either the writers and/or directors did.

There is absolutely nothing ground breaking about this collection, nor will it be something many (if any) people would watch a second time, but for folks who like blood with their cheese, this might be worth a watch. It's a quick 75 minutes, so there's not much to lose.
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