Review of Day Shift

Day Shift (2022)
Not good, not terrible. Just bad.
12 August 2022
I wonder what the actual goal of this movie is.

It's not funny, yet specified as comedy. (I did not laugh once).

It's not scary, yet specified as horror. Yes there is blood, there is gore. But that does niet mean horror. There's not a single drop op suspension present.

It's not serious, yet specified as a thriller / drama. The way they shoot in broad daylight, without any cop or other person in sight really is strange. You would think that if you here gunfights in the house next to you, that cops would come by to take a look.

Also, since when does a gunshot to the body makes you fly away for (literally!) meters !?

It is action, however not the kind of action that takes you along the ride and keeps you entertained or in the movie till the end.

You also already kind of know what's going to happen and who is going to live or die, which make you not really care about characters or events within the movie.

1 last thought: J. Foxx didn't really do a great acting job in this movie. He's not funny, not really to be taken serious either. Sometimes even comes over like he did not really want to be there.

He's really been cast in the same sort of 'empty shell' movies time after time. Which is kind of sad.

When I think back to collateral or Ray and how amazing he performed, it kind of seems that he lost his touch, vibe, motivation or whatever.
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