Batman: Fine Finny Fiends (1966)
Season 1, Episode 33
Many interesting "curves" in this episode...
7 August 2022
...And, not just in the form of the late, legendary '60s and '70s thespian goddess Julie Gregg, one of the privileged ladies (Marianna Hill being the other) to have both a "Batman" episodic acting credit, and a role in "The Godfather" saga! "Batman" butler 'Alfred' (Alan Napier) figures heavily in this episode, which is beyond cool, as his veteran presence is always welcome! In fact, the 'Alfred' character seemed to be more often showcased in 'Penguin' episodes, which made me wonder if there was some unusual connection between Burgess Meredith, and Mr. Napier! In any event, good show, sir!
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