1 August 2022
The script is amazing, most of the characters have a fair amount of screen time, first otohori's wife didn't have the story she needed she said she something about freeing but I don't really saw it, she only appears in one episode and in the ova she then died, and second WHAT KIND OF A 15 YEAR OLD GIRL KNOW ABOUT MARRYING AND LOVING???, third I wish to see more of miaka's mom like there's a flashback about her making miaka and yui compete for high school exam or something, and I kinda want her reaction on miaka's choice of living in the book with tamahome, she never even knew that miaka is gone in the first place, fourth, yui is a helpless friend, if you really think about it everything that's happened to her is part of the book it's her destiny, miaka always scream tamahome's name like can't you just help your friend for over 10+ years first? I also believe their both tired of living, there's a one episode where miaka admit to the villain that she's miserable that's why she love tamahome so much because he's the only one focusing on miaka, miaka is a fake girl who can't be true to herself, she always puts everyone in danger. The intro and the end theme is amazing though.
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