27 July 2022
Under pressure from his wife, the mayor of Gotham fires Commissioner Gordon and appoints ultra-feminist villain Nora Clavicle in his place. She is immediately in charge of replacing all the male members of the Police Department with women and launches an unusual plan that consists of dispersing thousands of toy mice with an explosive charge so that at midnight when they explode simultaneously they destroy the City. This is an extremely entertaining episode that perhaps today can be considered sexist, since it presents women as fools who only deal with superficial tasks. The writers were very creative in adapting the famous Pied Piper of Hamelin story into a Batman story, which has a hilarious result. Many describe this episode as the worst of the series due to its sexist content, but you have to place yourself in time and space to be able to enjoy it and understand that everything is done as a joke and in an exaggerated way. I personally found the episode hilarious and very entertaining.
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