Clever AND annoying at the same time!
25 July 2022
I should tell you up front that I am NOT a fan of Pauly Shore and his sort of humor. I only watched this film because a friend of mine, Angelo, recommended I see it. And, while I enjoyed portions of the film, I also thought it was quite annoying as well!

The film was directed and co-written by Shore. It is a mockumentary of sorts...and the idea behind it is clever. Unfortunately, Shore himself is so unlikable that a clever idea just wasn't enough for me.

The story begins around the time Shore made his famously godawful TV series for Fox...one that was canceled almost as soon as it was aired. As a result, he goes from having a career to having nothing...and suddenly all his friends hate him. A short time later, the ghost of Sam Kinison arrives and recommends to Pauly that he kills himself, as death celebrities suddenly become beloved. So, Shore fakes his death and initially the plan works...and folks all over the nation mourn. But what's next?

This film is testament to Shore's popularity long ago. After all, the film has more celebrity cameos that almost any other movie I can think of...though nearly all of these folks are C-listers. The non-C-listers are actually kind of funny, as they talk about how untalented and hateful Shore was! But then, you need to put up with the likes of Paris Hilton, Todd Bridges, Tommy Lee and Andy Dick...and you wonder just how much awfulness can be crammed into one film!

The film did not work for me but COULD have if they made Shore likable. Instead, he is annoying, spends much of his time playing with himself and visiting 'professional ladies' and pretty much unlikable. Had they shown him to be annoying on camera and likable off, it might have worked...especially when the film made fun of him and his shtick. Overall, a strange and somewhat watchable film with some good ideas....and many bad ones...and scenes which are bound to avoid most viewers unless they are die-hard Shore-a-holics.
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