Review of Moloch

Moloch (2022)
24 July 2022
This is strictly in the folk horror sub-genre, so don't go in expecting a slash-em-up. It takes a novelistic approach with a handful of characters who make unusual discoveries in a nearby peat bog. It's about 'digging' around for the secrets of the past and the consequences they have for Sallie Harmsen and her family.

Harmsen carries the whole movie and does a fantastic job. Give her more roles! The rest of the cast is good too, my only criticism being Alexandre Willaume's character being a bit boring and unecessary. If you cut his role out of the film entirely, not much would change. The cinematography is excellent and goes for lots of warm colours and coziness which I found refreshing.

The story unfolds slowly and as a result feels a little overlong, but it's a solid tale. It's dual language, which I enjoyed but some people don't like that (up to you). It's classic horror, much more M R James than James Wan. Thrilling? No. Scary? Not really. It's thoughtful and a bit sad. I liked it because it's an actual folk horror that isn't treated like a theme-park ride.
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