Shari Robinson and 'Bill Robinson' dance and sing in imitation of Shirley Temple movies
17 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first pairing of song and dance man Dan Dailey, as Tim O'Connor, and non-musical Anne Baxter, as Hannah Adams, this being a musical. Their second pairing occurred the following year in the basically non-musical(except for one number) "Ticket to Tomahawk", both of which languish in obscurity today. But, if you are a fan of Dan or Anne, you will want to see both. You may remember Anne as playing Queen Nefertiti, in "The Ten Commandments", despite her objection that she considered herself miscast, looking like her fair-skinned pug-nosed Irish self, rather than as a darkish-skinned Egyptian. In addition, you will want to see 10-11yo Shari Robinson sing and dance, in imitation of previous Fox child-star Shirley Temple, with Dan, in black face, clearly a stand-in for Shirley's companion and dance partner : African American Bill Robinson, in "The Littlest Rebel". Shari sings Shirley's signature song : The Good Ship Lollipop", from "Bright Eyes". Remember that Shirley was only 6 or 7 in these films, vs. Shiri being 10-11, probably playing a year or 2 younger. So, naturally, Shari, appears a more coordinated dancer and better singer than Shirley. Dan also sings and dances up a storm in this production. They supposedly were in the film "Rebel in Crinoline", with obvious reference to "The Littlest Rebel" Shari had won a Shirley-Temple mimicking contest in her home city, and, as a result, was picket to play Shirley in this film. Fortuitously, her face strongly resembled that of Anne, who is her mother in this film. Unfortunately, there was little more to her Hollywood career.

Otherwise, the film begins with Anne(Hannah) a devote to stage song and dance man Tim(Dan). Anne Revere, as her aunt Jane, facilitates their romantic connection and ,soon, marriage. Tim gets a call from Hollywood , for an audition. During his audition, Hannah serves as his partner to show his facility in kissing and hugging. Ironically, Tim is rejected, but Hannah is enthusiastically signed up, and groomed to be the studio's star actress for some years. This is 1924. Hence, movies are silent. Meanwhile, Tim is doing his usual acts at nightclubs.......... Eventually, talkies are invented. Apparently, Hannah isn't good at them, hence her contract is dropped. Instead, she gives birth to a girl: Jane(Shari). Instead, Tim is hired to star in some musicals, since that is what audiences wanted, at that time. Tim's dance production "Chattanooga Choo Choo", including the African American Beary Brothers, is the highlight of this segment.(See at YouTube). Then, suddenly , the public is weary of too may musicals, wanting dramas and action pictures, especially of gangsters. So, Tim's contract is terminated(despite the fact that he was also a fine actor). In consequence, Tim suggests to Hannah that they retire from show business, to a bucolic existence. Using Hannah's savings, they buy a farm, so that Tim can become a leisurely 'gentleman farmer'.. Apparently, they have a good life during the '30s, in spite of the Depression.

During this time, Jane was given singing and dancing lessons, and as the late '30s rolled around, audience interest in musicals had revived, and Shirley Temple's childhood film career was winding down, Tim got the inspiration to take Jane to Hollywood for a screen test. In contrast, Hannah didn't like the idea of Jane becoming a child movie star. She wanted her to have a normal childhood. The last portion of the film is dominated by this conflict. Finally, Hannah agrees to only one film including Jane. But, Tim sneakily signs her up for a 3 picture contract. When Hannah discovers this, she 'blows her stack', and takes Jane with her to her original home in Boston, with Aunt Jane. In response, the film producer decides to have the premier showing in Boston, so that Jane can be introduced to the audience. Jane and Hannah attend, and Hannah is thrilled. After the show, Jane is introduced to the audience. Tim arrives, and, seemingly, he and Hannah make up, for a happy ending.

Incidentally, if Dan's dancing style and overall show biz style somewhat reminds you of Ray Bolger(the scarecrow, in "The Wizard of Oz"), that's not just coincidence. In Dan's early pre-Hollywood career, on Broadway, he was Ray's understudy for a while. Both became notable 'triple threat' film actors(dancing, singing, and comedy), not to mention fine straight actors, both with charismatic film personalities. I always enjoy a Dan Dailey performance : musical or otherwise. Enjoy!

You can see this film free at YouTube. It's in color.
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