Review of Legion

Legion (1998 TV Movie)
6 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Before watching 'Legion' or 'Lesion' I endured about 5 minutes of 2016's 'Lights Out' and could proceed no farther. Another option was some British thing called 'Des' but it went for over 140 minutes so I went with this award-winning doozy instead.

It must also be noted that I purchased this DVD at a goodwill op shop for only 2 bucks. They found it in their bleeding hearts to allow me to have it for a basement bargain slasher price. Let's see if it's worth two bucks though!

James Caan is dragged from his holding cell, beaten and tortured, then placed in a million watt microwave and nuked.

Michael Ironside, or John Saxon, does his best Colonel Trautman impression to assemble a bunch of Dollar Store actors to do some 'Aliens' drop mission and Kane from 'Mortal Kombat' and Corey Feldman are part of the ice cream posse. Urgh, Corey Feldman! I'd rather pull splinters from my fingers.

With 'Moon Patrol' graphics the crew land on some Los Angeles planet in less than a minute of flying and no sooner are they on the ground somewhere in a steel mill factory searching for aliens from the movie 'Aliens.' Was this filmed on a shoestring budget and is that Peter Weller?

This 'Legion' thing isn't even entertaining.

There aren't even any monsters in this movie!

It won't surprise me if 'The Boogens' are the killer in this. It's the same sepia background whenever the monster appears only they were cockroaches in 'Boogens.' I've watched nothing but 1/10 movies lately and the trend continues with this apparently?

Did anybody watch that Oscar nominated movie 'Creepozoids?' Well, that is a thousand times more entertaining than this pointless roundabout.

Forgive my F-student education but what's the actual mission in this movie?

The only thing that could save this movie right now is if Neil Breen were to show up as 'The Being' and start a lightsaber duel.

Wow, could Feldman have overacted his death scene a little more dramatic and long-winded? I thought Gary Busey's dying scene in 'Point Break' was over the top. The monster finally drops in at the end and it's only Baraka from 'Mortal Kombat 2.' "Call me legion for we are many." Wow, did you just steal that from William Peter Blatty's book, or the bible? Creative writers indeed, ain't we?

I'll give this movie one point for Agatha Doyle's hard-hitting character. She looks like a checkout lady at my local super market.

A bunch of desperate actors walk around aimlessly, point guns, replace multiple fuses in power boxes, press buttons on Commodore 64 computers, upload B-dos messages on high school computers, die here and there, help arrives when it's too late, monster suddenly becomes clumsy at the end and forgets its stealth action, humans win in the end as they do.

Give this a wide birth like a 20-pound baby.
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