The Sopranos: I Dream of Jeannie Cusamano (1999)
Season 1, Episode 13
"She's smiling! Look at the look on her face!
6 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I always thought the shot of Artie coming around the corner after the shot begins with Tony getting out of his car was one of the most beautiful shots in the series. You can feel the hate in his eyes. You can imagine exactly what someone would see before someone kills them. When the FBI is playing the tapes with Tony, one of the recordings comes from when Junior and Livia were talking outside of a theater. That's kind of impossible unless they wired her too. Another interesting thing to note is the references to ducks in this season finale. We know that ducks represent tony's family and him wanting to keep them safe. When Tony is telling Carmela about his mother calling the hit on him, Carmela says something along the lines of "Your mother is one bizarre duck" and when Arty goes to visit Tony's mother in the hospital, he brings her Duck Ragu. Season1 is such a great debut season, and this is a great finale and one of the show's best episodes. This season is probably the most conventionally entertaining and even cliché. But it's so well acted, the dialogue is so great, and the show is almost fully realized.
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