Get the hat!
4 July 2022
4 yrs have passed since the events of Fallen Kingdom. Dinosaurs now roam the modern world and people have somewhat adjusted to that fact. For the most part, the apex predators have been rounded up and kept contained by special organizations. However, there has been quite the demand in the black market for dinosaurs of all kinds. Illegal breeding sites are everywhere.

One of the organizations that prioritized rounding up the apex predator dinosaurs is Biosyn, a global leader in most every industry, from biological science, to engineering, to improving food crops. Biosyn has set up a sanctuary research facility (in the middle nowhere) where they house most every species of dinosaur on earth. There they study dinosaur dna in hopes of finding uses for all kinds of human diseases and deficiencies.

Throughout the heartland of the U. S., an anomaly has begun to occur. Something has begun destroying crops everywhere,, with the exception of very specific crops (or shall I say,, specific crop producers). It has the scientific world baffled, and worried that if this continues the entire world's food supply will disappear within a generation.

One scientist in particular concerned with this anomaly is Ellie Settler, who is en route to visit the Biosyn research center and get some answers on what they are doing to combat these problems. Her only problem is needing someone that she trusts to back her up. So who can she call on but her old flame and partner in the game of science Alan Grant!

Owen and Claire have retreated to Owen's cabin in hopes of keeping Maisie hidden from the world, knowing that certain people would do anything to get to her, study her, etc. Now 14 yrs old, Maisie is very much at odds with how she came to be in the world, and wonders who her mother (Christine Lockwood) really was. She's also very tired of being kept hidden from the world, and has a habit of wondering away from their homestead.

Also,, Blue has set up a nest not too far from the cabin,, and has given birth,,,

I don't want to say much more,, I will say that I think the negative reviews are not completely deserved. Is the movie a groundbreaking, perfect example of a film? Well, no. Neither were the last two! Imo, it's fun, and I didn't see the direction they went in coming (at least not most of it). It's a straight 7 rating imo. I will also say that this needs to be the last (but we know how that goes).
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