Not Even Tiggy could save this dumpster fire....
25 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'll be honest, when I saw Tig I was giddy with nostalgia and watching him be his creepy unhinged self gave me all the warm fuzzies. His scenes are perfect. If you turn off your brain the episode by itself isn't completely awful but the moment you really think about everything this season had to offer, you realize this season finale fits right in with the mountain of contrived dog crap that is made possible either from amnesia or people just being straight up incompetent.

Let's start with our old friend Alvarez: overall his character makes sense; he's older, wiser, and less likely to jump to violence. He has a family and he is looking at his family and considering the weight of his decisions and the path he chose in life. All perfectly fine. But why, as the flippin president, would you not immediately tell your club that the reason a bunch of members died was because a woman in the clubhouse found a Sons body on their property and went and told the Sons resulting in the deaths of many including their beloved Coco??It seems to me he should've immediately vetted all the girls and realized the rat may have been responsible for more than the start of the war since Sons keep conveniently showing up places they mention in earshot of everyone in the clubhouse. It seems to me that the whole room of revenge fueled murderers might stop murdering for a moment once they realized the whole thing popped off because a non-member in their clubhouse ratted them out to their rivals for something they didn't realize happened. But no, he halfway tried to tell them and is interrupted and so immediately gives up on conveying vital info that easily could've changed everyone's mind on how to proceed.

Now let's talk about the club:It's like everyone including Bishop have completely forgotten that EZ was basically the reason the entire Mayan civil war started; if he hadn't stroked Bishop's ego with the "one king" talk they wouldn't have been stupid enough to try to cut their own members out of profits inciting a perfectly understandable reaction: you and them are in a club of murdering psychopaths greedy for money of course they are gonna do something when you try to take away their livelihood behind their back. He blows Canche's brains out who had every right to be a little sore at Ez, who friggin tried to blow the guy up almost killing him and his child and partially blinded the kid in the process. And then EZ thinks he can just call it good, water under the bridge? You Killed him because the guy isn't interested in being friends and threatened you clearly out of vitriol for you handicapping his flesh and blood;can you really blame him for being a little mad? So now a fatherless and partially blind child.cool.

Killing the ex-con threatening to turn him in was a perfectly understandable response; the guy is blackmailing you for work, that's a slippery slope if you give in to that so i say mostly justified. But he could've easily threatened Gabby, told her that he will go kill the security guard's family too if she rats on Angel. Still an evil douche move but better than blowing her brains out after trying to persuade her for 2 minutes; or better yet, not shoot up a hospital to cause that whole situation. You can't keep insisting this guy is some kinda genius and then have him make so many incomprehensibly stupid decisions and do a complete 180 on character and motivation without any real believable reason. Also I don't know if the writers realize :EZ can be a sadistic murdering psycho like his father and also not be an idiot. I'm ok with EZ going that dark route just have it make sense.

I don't believe a bunch of seasoned members are just gonna get behind EZ (who was a prospect not too long ago) being Pres with how much damage EZ has caused directly and indirectly. And honestly it doesn't make sense how it came to that. What happened to the club vote? Why does voting for war mean the president steps down? The Killswitch rule is a stupid rule and a borderline retcon invented solely to make this nonsense possible. Last I heard, based on how these things usually work, the members vote on major decisions and the president is forced to acknowledge and respect democracy, not pass the torch to the guy whose simply saying "drugs and money good, kill people". Plus how does he just become president without a vote? Trying to pretend EZ is somehow worse than Angel, who we saw kill multiple people and even mutilate bodies without a shred of remorse oh and banged his brothers barely legal daughter in that brothers house days after his murder is laughable. What,Angel didn't kill a small animal so somehow his murders and crappy actions are forgotten? Miss me with that ish it's so contrived! Its not even that I hate EZ; EZ spontaneously became a completely different character for no reason and just became a murdering,greedy, incompetent, power hungry sociopath whose solution to every problem is to shoot it in the head; there's nothing compelling about that it isn't believable.

Now let's talk about where everything completely folds in on itself for the sake of contrivance. You are gonna sit there and try to tell me that between the cartel and the club that nobody was posted at the warehouse where millions of dollars of drugs are being stored?!You have to be messin with me! Not even a friggin 'Ring' camera on the door?! It's 2022! Nope,nothing at all, so a random person can come set the whole thing on fire because they all left it completely unguarded that is such BS that would never happen the cartel and club would've had armed killers and cameras EVERYWHERE it's so incredibly dumb the writers should be ashamed. Please let season 5 be it. I'm gonna watch it I can't help it but please stop the pain. Let EZ break the neck of this complete farse of a completely contrived storyline and end it's suffering. Not even Tiggy could save this dumpster fire....
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