5 June 2022
Well here is... some BS.

There is barely a plot to this 140 minute dump truck. The story is about magic man Dumbledoor fighting against magic man Gridelwald, who happens to be his former lover. That's it. That's all the meat to the story. Everything else is a bone dry desert with nothing of interest happening.

It's pretty insane how barren this entire movie is. It's completely empty inside. There is an attempt at communicating emotion, but it just falls flat on it's face every time, because the film-making, with the exception of the soundtrack, simply doesn't tell you to actually care.

The actors and even the director are left to their own devices, as the script just stumbles along. The dialogue is boring. The story is boring. The magic scenes on display fundamentally lack creativity and basic choreography, and are boring. The movie in it's entirety is just boring.

Thank's JK.

Time is finite. Don't spend it watching this garbage, unless you absolutely have to.
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