Batman: The Purr-fect Crime (1966)
Season 1, Episode 19
5 June 2022
The story goes that one day the phone rang at Julie Newmar's apartment in New York and an agent in Hollywood asked if she wanted to play Catwoman -- ASAP?? Credit goes to her brother, who was attending Harvard at the time, telling her BATMAN was "the" show everyone watched on campus. His opinion is that the role would make her famous. It sure as heck did, and eventually had her fabulous costume put on display at the Smithsonian Institute. How about that?

Julie's perfect hourglass figure (after years of professional modeling) may have drawn producers to her, especially since they were in search for a sexy, slinky Catwoman, and with a sense of humor. In addition, Newmar had just finished playing a very attractive and funny "robot" on MY LIVING DOLL, starring Bob Cummings, which had recently been cancelled.

Hands down, she remains the decidedly favorite villainess connected to BATMAN, the slinking, diabolical first lady of crime. In a tv first, Newmar's Catwoman was also very much attracted to Batman, who ALMOST falls for her in various episodes. This was a very clever publicity gag that managed to attract even more viewers. Here, the Catwoman is behind a series of robberies, a precious cat statuette the object of her fancy. Now the real fun starts! Catwoman turns the tables on the Caped Crusaders, throwing them into a dungeon with secret panels and deadly surprises. Best scene has Batman and Robin being SQUEEZED into a wall of rubber knives --as a warmup exercise????

To note, due to complaints from schools and parents, this marks the first episode in which Batman and Robin fasten their seatbelts in the Batmobile. Good for them! Former TARZAN Jock Mahoney guest stars, also veteran character actor Ralph Manza (playing Felix) as one of the Catwoman's dedicated and dutiful assistants, dressed in what looks like a leopard t-shirt and pants?

Classic line department; "You can brush my pussywillows!"

Gotsta' see stuff from Season 1, Episode 19. Get the restored dvd box as the color is beautiful and so is Julie Newmar.
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