Tom Swift (2022)
Childhood memories destroyed.
3 June 2022
My dad was a huge sci fi reader and he'd buy me the Tom Swift books as a kid. When I initially saw Tom Swift show up as a new show I was 'okay' something I can share with my son. They've changed TOOOOO MUCH. I can't sit my 8 year old down in front of this.

Age was biggest. Maybe I don't remember them right but in the books I read, Tom Swift was young. 12-15 maybe. Likeable. Maybe I don't remember it right. THIS is not Tom Swift.

The character of Tom Swift is the most UNLIKABLE character in TV since Scorpion's Walter O'Brien. They'd better surround him with an amazing supporting cast cause there's only a smallish demographic that's going to be willing to tune in for the lead in this. That's how Scorpion got as many seasons as it did, by surrounding the unlikable lead with lovable supporting cast.

Regardless I'm out at episode one. Pretty much knew that'd be the case in the first 7 minutes. Watched the whole episode hoping it would get better, but nope.

Tom Swift was about Tom's inventing. Submarines and spaceships. Each book was a new invention or such. CW has Tom Swift designing SOAP! The hell? I get it, he built the engines in his dads ship, But you didn't see him build them nor did you see him fly them.

Who's running things over there at CW. Read the room dumbie.
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