25 May 2022
Judgement Day!

This had to be Laurel and Hardy's most sexually charged film ever, and still raises a few eyebrows to this day. Also an example as to why strict production codes were eventually enforced in Hollywood, known as the Hays Code.

Ollie plays a wealthy businessman who is running for mayor. Enter explosive Mae Busch (legendary staple in L and H films) who threatens to expose some risque photos --unless he PAYS up. Perky Thelma Todd plays Hardy's wife who does some genuinely funny double takes, once the story shifts into high gear. Ollie has no choice but to use Stan to try and detour Mae, and this is where the sexual innuendo begins. You have to admit, the boys and Mae Busch were at the top of their game when it came to gymnastics?

The center of it all is Mae's scenes with Stan, especially attempting to get her car keys back. An outrageous, laugh out loud scene, years ahead of its time. James Finlayson plays the exasperated butler, eye witness to all this wild stuff. Watch him at his best.

An R-rated romp with more to come. If you listen close enough, you can hear the faint sound of the crew laughing. They couldn't help it.

Two additional wild scenes; Mae backing into a car which totally self destructs and the boys sneaking unconscious Mae out of the house. They position her atop Ollie's shoulders, with a long coat covering her body. It makes her look as if she's seven feet tall! Hardy walking bowl-legged across the room is a MUST. Catch the stunned faces of Thelma Todd and Finlayson. Simply Insane.

One of the rare "three reel" shorts Hal Roach produced, running about thirty minutes in length and worth every single moment. Basically, Roach flirted with the idea of making a "mini" film.

Preceded by ANOTHER FINE MESS, a three reeler, also with Thelma Todd in a much larger role as Lady Plumtree? Hardy plays Colonel Buckshot?

On dvd and remastered blu for a new generation. Thanks to ME TV Comedy Classics for rerunning these memorable films.
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