Morbius (2022)
If someone where to tell you "Morbius is bad"...
14 May 2022
...if anything, they'd actually be understating the immense lack of quality this movie provides.

Morbius directly follows in the footsteps of Suicide Squad (2016), being just as bad, just as incomprehensible and just as pointless.

If you can show me someone who loves this movie unironically, I'll show you a liar.

The only people who wouldn't find this movie to be utter trash, are people who are either 10 years old, or people who have only seen 10 movies in their entire life.

Nobody, not even drunk people could find genuine enjoyment in this flaming pile of excrement. And I would know, because I tried.

Jared Leto sucks. Not just in the movie. Although, It's not even possible to relay any kind of interesting performances, considering the script was clearly written by a brain-damaged duck.

If you have ever farted, you have already created greater dialogue than can be found in Morbius, and you should consider working for Sony.

The story is incredibly simplistic, yet presented in the most convoluted way possible. Like any other 13 year old boy, Jared Leto experiments on himself to cure his desire to become a real man. He succeeds in creating a bat-juice that cures his debilitating disease and also turns him into a vampire with super strength and other superpowers and stuff. As expected his best buddy boy, who's also suffered from a debilitating disease, ceases the opportunity and turns himself into a vampire as well.

So they fight. And Jared Leto wins.

But why is Jared Leto involved with this at all? Wasn't ruining one comic book character enough for him. Is he going to destroy them all?

Sony really outright refuses to learn from other studios mistakes. The only times Sony has released something somewhat comprehensible, was all projects where the actual artists had most of the actual control. Like "Once Upon A Time In Hollywood", which was also produced and distributed by Sony.

This movie however, feels like everyone showed up on set with a white flag. Surrendering under the stupendous pressure of the studio, and making a deliberate and debilitating choice not to give a single fu**.

It's way too dark and ugly to look at. Just mostly black, blue and green, but mostly black. It sounds like a toilet. There was an instance where the played the exact same sound effect 3 times in a row. Not to mention the instantly forgettable score and inappropriate soundtrack choices. Just amazing.

If you are an aspiring filmmaker, I recommend watching this movie as a pitch perfect example, on how not to make a good or even passable film.

If you enjoy "100 minute car accident compilations" this might tickle you just right, as well.

Hold onto your throats! So you wont throw up. It's Morbius!
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