The War of the Roses - The End Of The 80's.
9 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"The War Of The Roses", a biting, darkly comic look at what happens when two people forget about why they're together in the first place.

Having forgotten about when they met, fell in love, shared their thoughts & dreams with each other and made those great plans for a life together. (Kind of quoting Danny DeVito at the end of the film).

Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner were superb in the transformation of the young lovers that turn into everything they never thought they could become. Danny DeVito is great as the friend and go between.

The couple go from young,idealistic, romantic couple to completely dull white collar sell outs with all the material possessions that come with it. Douglas was scary and menacing and Turner as well

The only problem I had with the movie was....the ending.

Now, don't get me wrong here ladies and gentlemen, I really did like this movie. That is, at least, until it's big downer of an ending. I could not believe that in the end these two people are snuffed out.

To kill them off at the end really was not the best choice. I'm not saying have the typical Hollywood storybook-happy ending but at the very least, just give them broken limbs and give a possibility these two can mend their fences enough, to at least go through the divorce without so much malice and feel true regret.

Too obvious by that point that reconciliation is out of the question, despite trying to save each other before the big fall.

I will say this about that ending, it's the perfect metaphor for what happened when the 1980's themselves came to a much similar end.

The money grubbing, corporate world, materialistic decade of all flash and no feeling was over. Appropriately enough,it was the last movie I saw in 1989.

7 Srars for the bulk of the movie . (END)
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