Blue Bloods: Leap of Faith (2012)
Season 2, Episode 13
Totally idiotic
2 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The writers attempt to liven up a banal plot about a greedy husband by adding the victim's daughter who hears the voice of God telling her about the murder. In case just hearing the voice of God isn't already immersion breaking enough, it turns out God's pretty inconsistent with the clue drops. The first time, God just straight up tells the girl: Quick, your mother is being murdered!", but the second time, God decides to make it a little trickier by giving just the word "Berlin". Why? I guess the Lord works in mysterious ways ...

"Surely there will be some kind of rational explanation," I thought to myself early in the episode.

Later in the episode, I thought, "Surely there will be some kind of tenuous, flimsy explanation."

Right up until the credits rolled, I sat there waiting for something, but no, when it was all said and done, the police just solved a crime on the basis of a hallucination. Perhaps they should classify this show as a fantasy instead of a police procedural.
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