Blue Hawaii (1961)
The beginning of the real trash
17 April 2022
Elvis had pretensions to be a serious actor but this movie was the start of the real trash that was served up for him at the height of his fame by his crooked manager. The only aim of these films was to make money which they sure did but they have absolutely zero artistic value, unless it lies in the scenery in this case. Produced and directed by hacks they stink from the beginning of the credits to the end of the last mindless reel.

The story doesn't matter. It is utterly formulaic with Elvis in charge of a bunch of girls all of whom swoon over him. No real chemistry between Elvis and his leading lady. More between him and the bratty girl played by Jenny Maxwell, who ends up over Elvis' knee for a spot of correction, in a scene that would no doubt fail the censors today! Maybe it was permissible in 1961 for a tour guide to spank a wayward teenager but today it would mean a court case! Mind you, I think a few teen girls of the era would have envied Jenny. I know I did!

One decent song here, which is more than can be said for most of the movies. What a pity as the guy had real talent that could've been used in a variety of ways. What a pity he couldn't have got shot of that crook 'Colonel' Parker.
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