Savage Vengance (1993 Video)
Savage teduim
15 April 2022
It's not often that a movie's title card sums up the whole film before it has even started properly. So it goes with 'savage vengeance' a 1993 released rape/revenge shocker so inept that even the title card reads 'savage vengance'. I can't say I wasn't warned, many reviewers on here listed correctly the myriad mistakes going on, but call it morbid curiosity or Damn right stubbornness, but I had to give this one a watch. All I can say is that is the most interminable 65 minutes I have ever spent in my life. For all the stilted dialogue, bland acting, flat direction and glaringly obvious continuity mistakes, the movie's biggest crime is inflicting that soundtrack upon the viewing public. It literally consists of what sounds like a keyboard having a nervous breakdown and is mismatched to the badly filmed scenes taking place. An absolute travesty of a movie, next time I am gonna listen to the good folk reviewing movies on imdb, if only to avoid mental torture like this again.
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