Washed Away (2017 TV Movie)
My head is still spinning
12 April 2022
I normally do not write a review but could not pass after seeing this horribly executed movie ..... Worse directing EVVVVVEEEER!! There was not one camera shot over 3 seconds. Most of them were 1 and 2 seconds each with 90% being stupid close-ups of ears, teeth, necklaces, car windows, an eye, shoulder, trees, a neck, necklace, a backside and could name 100 more. There was NO TIME to focus on the characters and what they were "trying" to say from all that jumping around and all those ridiculous and USELESS camera closeups. The dialogue was ridiculous. They were mostly one word or 1 sentence, SOMETIMES 2 sentences! As far as the "scenes??", I felt I was looking at jumping beans hurrying to say a line or two (remember 1-3 second shots) and trying to act their part "convincingly". All of this combined in the 1-3 second shots got me so dizzy and frustrated that I have dots in front of my eyes because I was trying to focus; my stomach is actually nauseated as I write this review. I could tell watching this movie in the first 3 minutes it was made by amateurs who THOUGHT they were being creative; then again I thought MAYBE it would right itself and have some redemptive qualities,,,,,,WRONG!!!!!,,,,,,,I slugged it out a total of 27 more minutes I kept fast forwarding) because I thought this "movie??" must have some redemptive quality seems almost impossible that it did not make the chopping block (from the powers-that-be) and thrown into a dumpster. The ending was pretty predictable. The best actor was the investigator. I really can't blame it on the actors which probably performed each "scene?" in one take....as "directed???". This director needs to go back to director school.
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