Better than the first film, which is not hard to do
10 April 2022
Roller blade warrior Karin Crosse (Kathleen Kinmont) must protect mystic Gretchen Hope (Elizabeth Kaitan) as they travel across the wasteland Hell's Anvil. Naturally, trouble finds them as a gang is looking for women to sacrifice to "The Thing in the Stack," a monster the runs the power plant and craves fresh meat. Donald Jackson's Roller Blade (1986) is one of my top 5 worst films ever so I avoided the sequel for obvious reasons but then a friend brought it back to my attention. This isn't as painful as the first film, but it is still just kind of there. Remember when you were a teen and went to a rock quarry or the woods to make home movies with your friends? This is like that (they use that same abandoned industrial area Albert Pyun used a lot) except Jackson was in his late 40s when he made this. Lots of footage of people wandering and then getting into badly choreographed fights. There is a kinda cool monster in it. Also, no actual rollerblades are in the film as the religious order wear roller skates. Curse you, Jackson!!!
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