Essentially just a waste of time...
9 April 2022
Granted, given the movie's title, its low IMDb rating and the fact that it was Robert Bronzi that had the lead role, I must say that I wasn't really harboring much of any high hopes for the 2022 horror movie "Exorcist Vengeance".

But still I opted to watch this movie from writers Matthew B. C. and Jeff Miller given the fact that it is a horror movie that I hadn't already seen.

And as the movie progressed on the screen, it was clear that the low rating of the movie wasn't without reason. This movie is slow paced, nearly to the point where it became a stand-still, and directors Scott Jeffrey and Rebecca Matthews just didn't manage to churn out a movie with much of any interesting narrative. Yet, I managed to endure through the ordeal to the end, but I can't claim that I was particularly entertained.

The storyline told in "Exorcist Vengeance" was generic, and the fact that the narrative was so insanely slow paced just didn't help to make it a movie that was particularly watchable or entertaining. And if you enjoy horror movies, like I do, then your time, money and effort is better spent elsewhere. Some of us suffered through "Exorcist Vengeance", so you don't have to.

The acting performances in "Exorcist Vengeance" were as expected. Robert Bronzi isn't exactly top of the pop in terms of acting or delivering memorable performances. The guy is mostly in movies solely because he resembles the iconic Charles Bronson. Just sort of amazing really that you can stage a career on being a look-a-like.

For a horror movie then "Exorcist Vengeance" was frightfully devoid of anything even remotely scary or particularly impressive. So it is not a noteworthy addition to the horror genre. It is, in fact, among one of the most dull and laughable of demonic possession movies that I have stumbled upon.

My rating of "Exorcist Vengeance" lands on a two out of ten stars.
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