The Weakest Film in the Trilogy
7 April 2022
This film essentially begins where its predecessor left off with the four combat droids from the last picture having been destroyed earlier in the year. That being said, however, there now appears to be another combat droid by the name of "John Bolen" (Sasha Mitchell) operating as a substitute teacher at a high school in Bend, Oregon. To that effect, he also malfunctions and not only kills several unruly kids but also the principal of that school as well. Clearly realizing that he cannot remain there any longer, he then travels to Monroeville, California to serve as a substitute teacher at a reform school for very troubled high school students. Needless to say, in his mind this is an extremely target-rich environment which requires the only solution he is familiar with--with disastrous consequences for all concerned. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was easily the worst film in the trilogy which began with "Class of 1984" and continued with "Class of 1999" produced four years earlier. Not only did it lack originality but even the surprising twist at the end wasn't really that effective either. In short, this was a rather weak sequel and I have rated it accordingly. Below average.
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