The Christmas Bow (2020 TV Movie)
Wrapped up in a very charming bow
29 March 2022
Nobody should watch Hallmark films with massively high expectations, their Christmas output particularly. If a Hallmark fan or wanting to see as many Christmas films as possible, expectations would understandably be higher. They are very formulaic with most of them being more of the same narratively and structurally, apart from sporadic attempts at changes of pace. There are a fair share of them though that are surprisingly above average and even good amidst the many average and less ones.

The 2020 output from Hallmark did vary in quality but was not near as bad or wildly uneven as it could have been. None of the films from the batch were really terrible, and a small handful of them were actually very good. 'The Christmas Bow' is one of the very good ones and benefits from some truly wonderful violin playing, a particularly beautifully written character and the presence of Michael Rady, one of the best and most consistent regular male leads for Hallmark even in the misfires. 'The Christmas Bow' is a fine example of why Hallmark's Christmas output or even Hallmark in general should not be immediately scorned at.

It drags a little early on where the film takes a little time to get going.

Did think too that Lucia Micarelli didn't fully settle immediately acting wise, she seemed stiff and uncertain at first which indicates inexperience.

However, 'The Christmas Bow' succeeds very well everywhere else. It is visually pleasing and has a professional look, one of the best looking Hallmark Christmas films from that year. The appropriately festive locations especially. The music is beautiful and fits seamlessly, 'The Christmas Bow' is easily one of the best scored Hallmark Christmas films from that year and the violin choices are more than appropriate and placed without problem. The direction is accomodating while not going through the motions. Rady is especially good when it comes to the acting, he doesn't overplay, any mannerisms not overdone, and neither does he hold back too much. A performance of great warmth and subtle charm.

Micarelli is not great to start off with but her acting does improve massively a third of the way in and from that point on she becomes very relatable and charming. Did like her relatable character development with a believable back story, one of the few female lead characters to have one, and her violin playing is world class. Their likeability shines through and their chemistry charms, personally actually thought it was there. The grandfather is touchingly played and the doctor and the cousin bring some welcome amusing comedy that avoid 'The Christmas Bow' from being over-serious.

Moreover, the dialogue is tighter and less stilted than a lot of Hallmark Christmas films and the cheese and sentiment isn't as much. The story raises some important relevant issues in a tactful manner, making the film heartfelt at points (the grandfather story is very tenderly done), it also engaged me and was charming and heart-warming while not taking itself too seriously. Did appreciate too that it was not too slow while still taking its time and that it wasn't thin. The characters came over to me as likeable, especially Rady's and the grandfather's, and any negative character traits didn't come over as over the top like can be the case in Hallmark Christmas films. Actually cared for these characters, not the case with a lot of recently seen Christmas films.

In conclusion, very well done and even very good. One of the best 2020 Hallmark Christmas films easily and one of the few highly recommended. 8/10.
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