It's Was A Full Moon, And I Was Howling With Fun - Mostly
28 March 2022
Greetings And Salutations, and welcome to my review of Full Moon High. Before we get into it, here are my ratings:

Story - 1.25 Direction - 1.00 Pace - 0.75 Acting - 1.25 Enjoyment - 1.25

TOTAL - 5.50

Larry Cohen created Teen Wolf! Though that statement isn't exactly correct, you can see a lot of similarities between that movie and this one. But this one is better, script-wise.

Pretty much right from the start, I was laughing. Cohen has an outstanding talent for comedic wordplay. And, thanks to the skilled cast, their deadpan performances add to the humour. I particularly loved the segments with the confrontational psychiatrist, Dr Brand (Alan Arkin). The scene with the jumper is excellent. Not only does he stop the jumper from jumping, but he also gets him to protect him when the cop decides Dr Brand reminds him of his overbearing father and attacks him. There's even a break in the fourth wall.

However, I must say that not all the jokes and repartee work. Things begin to get a little stale around the halfway mark. Though they never get back to the same mirthfulness as at the start, there are still some brilliant laughs dotted throughout - Dr Brands' scenes fall in these latter sections.

Unfortunately, the direction is more hit and miss. There are too many clips where cast members noticeably do their parts separately. It usually happens when Adam Arkin is Werewolf Tony. For example, there's a scene where Tony's dad confronts him in his bedroom. In the sections his dad appears in, everything is well lit. However, when the camera switches characters with the conversation, and we see Werewolf Tony, he is in dark shadows. Kinda like a Plan 9 thing. And there are similar scenes throughout the whole picture. Except Cohen uses the same clip of Werewolf Tony in each. I don't know; maybe the special-effects make-up artist was only available for one day, so they shot all the Werewolf shots in one go, and Cohen had to make do and reuse. Whatever the excuse it's a shame as it does hurt the movie some.

Luckily the cast is excellent in their performances and helps carry the film through the rough times. There are no small parts in this movie as everybody gives their all.

If you like wordplay and sarcasm, Full Moon High should tickle your funny bone, on and off. I have to say I much prefer this style of humour compared to today's puerile drivel. I giggled loads and laughed much. But, if you think Will Ferrell films are a laugh riot, then this will not be for you. But go ahead and give it a try anyhow.

Feel free to come and visit my Absolute Horror and Just For Laughs lists to see where Werewolf Tony and Full Moon High ranked in my charts.

Take Care & Stay Well.
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