Review of Panama

Panama (I) (2022)
About 15 executive producers made this movie. What a mess. What a cheap, cliche surrogate of a supposedly action thriller.
22 March 2022
Mel Gibson was the reason I had to watch it. He hasnt got a big part in this movie though, which is mostly filled with B/C-listed actors, who usually would only star in cheap tv series.

From the very start I felt everything was wrong with this movie: the photography was boring, no thrilling action whatsoever, very cheaply filmed. The sound score is just wrong. Of course the acting is mediocre at best. And finally the story is an incomprehensible mess.

Not any good then? Well, it's not completely garbage. They made an (amateurish) effort, but an effort nonetheless. But it is tedious, incredibly tedious to watch.
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