60 Days In (2016– )
Only people who've done time know how real it is
21 March 2022
If you haven't done time you probably can't appreciate how accurate the portrayal of doing time in remand centers is, the absolute inhumane conditions people are subjected to is 100% accurate, the corruption and ignorance of the staff at the jails is 100% accurate.

As someone who has done time I found it thoroughly enjoyable to see participants who had a negative view of inmates and positive view of the justice system getting the rude awakening they deserve!

Even better when some of them have been the police officers who entered the show and seen what they were subjecting people they arrested to then having a total change of perspective.

The criminal justice system is a justice system run by real criminals and the cruel/unusual punishment people are subjected to because of it never reforms or rehabilitates as the system relies on crime continuing.
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