Best Western Since John Wayne was Riding High
20 March 2022
As screenwriter of Shadow on the Mesa (WRANGLER AWARD, WWA, best Western movie 2014), the just released The Desperate Riders and of Last Shoot Out, which has just won the coveted SPUR AWARD for best western screenplay as given by Western Writers of America (WWA), and author of 28 traditional Westerns, I'll let fans speak for me:

Justin Readett a U. S. Army combat veteran, his lovely bride and their five little ones have a cattle ranch in Texas. They liked all three movies and really loved THE DESPERATE RIDERS

To Lee Martin: "Hannah and I loved The Desperate Riders movie.! We watched it last night and really enjoyed it. The scenery in Tennessee reminded me so much of where Hannah and I grew up in South Carolina, with all the large oak and pine trees. Hannah said she can't wait to read the book. I thought the acting was very nice. The deputy and Tom Berenger as the dentist were my favorites. The whole thing was just really well done and we very much enjoyed it! Great job!" Justin Readett, 3/11/22,

To Lee Martin: Hey! I hope you're doing well? I wanted you to know that I enjoyed watching The Desperate Riders so much that I WATCHED IT THREE TIMES OVER THE LAST WEEKEND. I loved the fact that I could tell it was your writing and having the surprise of not knowing w hat was going to happen because I haven't read the book yet. I was happy with the man who portrayed Kansas Red. He fit that character. He's the kind of strong yet compassionate cowboy I picture when I read your books.

I LOVED the fire side kiss. I laughed when Billy was upset when he found out that Kansas was his xxxxx. They did a good job with the bad guys too. Yes, the assault was hard to watch...I suppose that's good acting when you have to look away! Although, I'm sure it was like that in the old west...not many women to all the nasty men out there. Thankful for the good cowboys who save the day! I am greatly looking forward to reading the book when it comes out.

Hannah Readett 3/11/22.
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