Anachronistic production in which no children will feel represented, released some 15 years too late
13 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film is really odd because who is their targeted audience? Is it for the adults that grew up reading/watch Turma da Mônica? Or is it for the new generation of kids? Either way this production fails to deliver to either market. It is too shallow to be a film for the adults, and it also lacks the vraisemblance nowadays kids would have to feel like this film represents them. I mean: hopscotch, skipping rope, yo-yo, clapping games, hula hoop, passing notes? Kids these days, I mean, most kids for the last 15 years haven't been doing this.

Another problem is how unreasonable parents were written, it is an adult writing how a child supposedly thinks how their parents behave. It is beyond me how some adults belittle children's intelligence and that children would be the immature ones.

Terrible way how they deal with Magali's supposedly anxiety. "Learn to wait" or "to stop being anxious just have fun". Anxiety is a real problem, this should have been worded better, or develop Magali's issue as a real anxiety, just don't say stuff like anxiety is a thing people can turn on and off in their brain.

Now on a light complaint, why did Nimbus's character shows up out of nowhere? He just appears at Franjinha's lab like he was participating in the film since the start.

Tonhão is a bully just because. There is no reason behind Tonhão going after Cebolinha and Cascão, sure bullies don't need a reason to bully, but this comes out of nowhere and they solve the issue with the "there is always a bigger fish".
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