Deep Crimson (1996)
22 February 2022
A Mexican film from 1996 about a pair of murderous grifters in the 1940's. When a chubby nurse finally gets a response from her lonely hearts letter, she feels she has found her soulmate (even though she knows he robbed her of her petty cash as he fled the next morning). Dropping off her two young children at an orphanage, the nurse, played by Regina Orozco, teams up w/the would be Lothario, Daniel Gimenez, as they work their wicked cons (posing as brother & sister rather than lovers) on unsuspecting widows (one of which played by Almodovar regular Marisa Parades) w/Orozco usually applying the coupe de grace (Gimenez is a lightweight & suffers from migraines) but as their marks become more unraveled (culminating in their final con involving a young widow & her daughter who run an out of the way garage) w/the final murders particularly off-putting & grisly. According to TCM presenter, Alicia Malone, the final act caused walkouts when the film first screened (which I admit turned me off as well since for the most part the violence & death occur off screen) but there's no denying the film's power emanating from the abhorrent acts of these losers.
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