Light of My Life (I) (2019)
I wonder whether Fauci funded this virus, too.
19 February 2022
I hope I never have to live through an end-of-the-world scenario. Would prefer to be in the ''instantly vaporized" demographic.

However, if I survive, I sure hope I'm not in charge of any kids. Especially kids that might hold the key to the survival of the species. Because I wouldn't have patience for campfire stories (opening 11+ minutes), spelling bees and philosophical debates (another few minutes). I'm pretty much gonna be focusing on shelter, food, and warding off survivalist weirdos. Because you know what else isn't going to be happening in real life? A bunch of guys running forklifts at a soup kitchen (or whatever that was) in a woman-free world. No sports, no wymyn, no civilization of any kind. That much I guarantee.

Casey Affleck is a very natural and believable actor. Anna Pniowsky also does very well. Once the movie got rolling I was invested in their fate. The flashbacks to Elisabeth Moss as the virus-stricken wife/mom revealed the right amount of info to provide context to the story and the two main characters.

However, there is not enough to maintain interest. It's hard to believe father would have to sermonize about stranger danger at her age. They've been together for a decade, wandering around avoiding civilization, with only themselves as company. That kid would be a paranoid carbon copy of dad by the time the events of this movie roll around, not a free-range human.

Also, Casey's vocal fry gets on my nerves if I'm forced to listen to 11-minute bedtime stories and sermons.

I'm saving it on my PVR for nights when I'm having drouble drifting off.
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