Enjoyable slasher flick...
18 February 2022
"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning" is actually a rather enjoyable addition to this particular slasher franchise. Especially when taking into consideration the abysmal "Leatherface" movie that came afterwards.

The storyline in "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning" is actually interesting and proved to be so from the very beginning and up to the end. So writers Sheldon Turner and David J. Schow did manage to churn out a wholesome script and storyline here for this 2006 slasher. And today in 2022 was actually my second time to sit down and watch this particular movie in the ""The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" franchise.

Something that you might could have asked for here, was a more deviation from the usual routine that the franchise tends to apply for every single movie. But hey, there is something to be said for familiarity, eh?

They had a good cast ensemble put together for the movie. And while I am mostly unfamiliar with the majority of the cast ensemble for the movie, I will say that they put on good performances and carried the movie quite well. It was especially nice to see the likes of R. Lee Ermey in a movie such as this, and he was actually doing a spectacular job in bringing the Uncle Charlie Hewitt character to life.

For a seasoned horror fan and gorehound as myself then "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning" actually did prove enjoyable, as there was enough gore and mayhem to satisfy my craving for the macabre. So that was a thumbs up for the movie.

Visually then "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning" is good. There are lots of nice effects, which come of as being realistic and somewhat bloody and gory. Again, something that counted well in favor of the movie.

My rating of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning" lands on a six out of ten stars.
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