An interesting low-budget thriller with a political bent
3 February 2022
So this movie is an interesting take on the corruption of military contractors and how corporate PR works in favor. It is sort of a thriller with something of a leftist political backdrop in terms of the plot. It definitely isn't a hollywood blockbuster and obviously had a limited budget but the director does a good job getting the story to progress and involving a cast of interesting characters.

More time could have been spent fleshing out the political scenarios and telling the backstory of the Redistributors. Their hacktivism wasn't particularly realistic in terms of its goals or attempts but the intention to portray them as a positive force fighting against corporate malfeasance was there. But I've seen much worse portrayals by almost every other big budget hollywood movie so I give some credit to at least portray them as humans. Attempting to tell a spy story and thriller on the other hand this movie isn't particularly realistic but the plot is adequate. Overall though this is a good effort for a first-time director without a hollywood budget and the cinematography and directing worked for me.
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