Cold Heart (2001)
Very clever Thriller somewhat diminished by drawn out sex scenes and some so-so acting, but Jeff Fahey ROX as usual!
2 February 2022
When it comes to Ms. Kinski, just give me Paul Schrader's 1982 'CAT PEOPLE' and we'll call it a day 😊

Seriously though, what carries this film is basically the great, underrated Jeff Fahey. True, some of his roles are a bit one-note, but here he gets a real chance to act. Also, I really should give props to Josh too. I think his little asides and looks here and there give a lot of almost likeable dimension to his character too. I would strongly bet some of his little throwaway lines are ad-libbed.

But, sadly, our dear Ms. Kinski, for all her past glory (and I AM honestly sorry to have to say that) just doesn't really come through that terribly well. And please don't get me started on the female assistant. BUT... even with all that said, I must say that I really did like the overall plot. I thought it was rather clever, and Mr. Fahey and Josh pulled their weight just fine.

I hate to say it, but I think with a better female lead who could act well enough to carry the heavy emotional implications of what her character is going through, that would have gone a long way to strengthening this movie.

So, yes, it is basically worth watching I would say, if you like 'Romantic Thrillers', but in my lowly and wretched opinion I feel that the weak lead and the drawn out sex scenes kind of dragged it down a little. If you can overlook these weaknesses and just get through the story, the ending is indeed very strong, which helps. I gave it a '6', but I feel that with a different lead and a little work, the excellent idea behind it could have made it a strong '7'...
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