Just another generic werewolf movie...
1 February 2022
Sure, I can't claim that I was harboring much of any high hopes or expectations to this 2021 fantasy horror movie from writer and director Charlie Steeds titled "Werewolf Castle".

Why? Well, first of all I hadn't even heard about the movie prior to sitting down in 2022 to watch it. Secondly then the majority of werewolf-based movies out there tend to be dubious movies. And also the fact that it was all unfamiliar names on the cast list wasn't really all that enticing either.

But still, I opted to watch "Werewolf Castle" on the notion of it being a movie that I hadn't already seen, and also on the off chance that the movie might actually be one of those rare instances where it is actually a great werewolf movie.

Yeah, I hate to say it but "Werewolf Castle" wasn't exactly a particularly thrilling or great movie. Sure, it was watchable for what it was - with that being a rather generic and mediocre werewolf movie. "Werewolf Castle" is the type of movie you watch once, then put it into the pile of shame and never return to it ever again.

Visually then "Werewolf Castle" was a mixed bag of nuts. The idea of the werewolves were good, but it was just so obviously people wearing furred suits and masks. Especially the masks were bad. Well, they looked good actually, but bad in the sense that there was zero articulation on them, so the werewolves wore the same open maw expression all the time.

The acting performances in the movie were so-so. I mean, the actors put on adequate enough performances, but you shouldn't go expecting a grand thespian experience here, if so you will be sorely disappointed.

"Werewolf Castle" lands a very mediocre five out of ten stars from me.
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