One of the worst movies I've ever seen
30 January 2022
Bad in nearly every way. An utter waste of good actors. They do their best, but the script, the plot, the characterizations, and the dialogue are so appallingly bad I can't imagine who green-lighted this. It's a mystery concerning why the lead actress (lovely and charismatic) is promiscuous and a drug addict (unsavory in the extreme, with nothing to redeem it)- what went wrong with her relationship with her mother, former boyfriend, best friend, etc? The answers, such as they are, are slow in coming (the pacing is GLACIAL) and the woeful lack of chemistry between the lead and her lost love is a crime. And as an aside, the depiction of alzheimer's by Hal Holbrook, alternating between doddering and worldly wise, bears little resemblance to reality (the script's fault).

The overly simplistic plot points make little sense, i.e., NOTHING is explained in ways that are psychologically valid (very few explanations are given, and those that are aren't expanded or detailed enough to offer real insights, or make one care)- as if a none-to-bright ten year old wrote it. To make matters worse, little evolution is shown in the characters, a happy ending is just tacked on. If you can see anything of value in this mess, you're a better man than I Gunga Din (and I would secretly say you're a master or mistress of pure projection &/or wishful thinking). Shockingly bad. I'll add that it reminded me a bit of In Her Shoes, but THAT film does everything right, whereas for me, this one has no redeeming qualities whatsover.
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